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  • lfilippatos

The Autumn of Me

Myriad leaves cascading in a dance from branch to ground, each one patterned like human veins. The shedding of old to birth anew; each leaf joyously lilting on its journey from sky to earth, knowing it is part of something magnificent: change.

I, too, undergo this magnificent transformation as I, bandaged and bruised, let salted tears expunge from the depths of my heart, wringing my sadness dry, vomiting out the depths of memory to uncover the holy center of Art, of determination, of liberty of freedom of expression of exploration--each leaf of me falls gently to the ground with grace, and the tindered explosion of ashes rises from the Earth up, magnificent creature ever-growing ever-changed, warrior of body and of soul, knowing she is pieced together by the strength of her own misery, the autumn of me rises with a vengeance...

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